
Showing posts from 2012


Nothing Lasts Forever

January 3, 2012: back to december

when you hit rock bottom

wishlist: ice skating during the first snow of the year

watch your mouth, watch our mouth


"If I do marry, I want it to be for love"

Pojok Ponyo

Project week SS 2012

Someday you'll regret the things you didn't do

after the rain

another 5 random facts about me

one week with @abimbimish

Eh gila ya, kali ini ga penting, tapi ada 3 temen SMA saya yang bulan ini nikah! *ikut bahagia tapi freaking out*

oktober: bulan seribu janji

Hello Again

Sepetik Duapetik

i just don't understand how things work

one more night

Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa temans! semoga bulan ini menjadi bulan penuh rahmat dan berkah untuk kita semua.. Amin!

SS 2012: Finito!

21 days left

I'm afraid of 26 out of 69 common fears. am i paranoid?

Pengen nikah, takut nikah, siap nikah.

was zum essen: Japanese Foods!

hello, problems!

was zum essen: in Paris!